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Last week (15th-19th October) R&Dnano participated in the workshop and steering committee of the PRESTIGE (H2020) project in Grenoble. We presented our advances in the development of superhydrophobic and conductive transparent coatings and we took part in artistic project which were using new technologies developed in the PRESTIGE project.

Our conductive transparent coating was developed primarily to replace ITO in printed photovoltaic panels and we scheduled first tests in next few months in cooperation with Finnish Technical Research Centre VTT.

To explore other possible utilisation of our coating, we created a simple electric circuit to show how we can use transparent (80% transparency in VIS) conductive lines to conduct the electricity from battery of photovoltaic panel to LED. Our conductive line is printed on PET and its thickness is 16 µm. We can imagine the replacement of metallic wires which conduct signals by our coating of its utilisation in artistic installations.